Sunday, February 28, 2016


He rolled slowly through the inner city, pink and blue lights flashing from his rims. The light turned yellow and he pulled his cycle to a stop, with a whir of retrochargers. He leaned back and adjusted his helmet, and breathing deeply, trying to relax. He flexed his gloved hands and reached under his jacket to double and triple-check his EMP grenades.

The light turned green and he instantly slammed into high acceleration, streaking through the intersection and smiling under his chrome visor. Up ahead he spotted his target, a seemingly normal, if somewhat poorly patronized, Korean restaurant. He ramped up to his highest gear, braced himself and blasted straight through the psuedoglass window.

The customers screamed, diving under tables and pulling out communicators, but he was past them in a blink. He tossed an EMP grenade over the counter and into the kitchen area, bouncing it satisfying off the back wall. The detonation was silent, but he heard the distinctive screech of fried electronics. The hall was narrow, but straight, and he skidded to a stop at the end. A blank wall, with locked doors on either side, just as he planned for. Without getting off his cycle, he whipped out a gamaraysar  and cut a neat circle in one smooth, swift stroke. He kicked in the hole gunned his motor, entering the server room.

Alarms blared and the long room was lit only by the myriad blinking lights of the consoles.

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