Thursday, December 20, 2012

The End Came

"I missed the end of the world."

The man spoke aloud, though there was no one to hear his words. He had only stepped a few yards from where his small plane had touched down, a remarkably smooth landing. The red and white plane was painted with pink and orange by the rising sun. There was still a chill in the air, and the young pilot's breath was colored white. His back was to the sunrise, and his face lay in shadow.

He stood in the smoking ruins of a once great city. The runway was clear until the very end, where aircraft of various sizes lay in blackened heaps. The tower had fallen, the terminal had collapsed, the remains of its glass roof sparkled in the waxing light of dawn. But over both of these he could see his entire city devastated. The proud skyline was rent and torn, buildings bent and fallen, like the teeth of an old, broken man. A bluish smoke curled up here and there, and dust obscured the streets.

He had flown over it on his way in, he needed to see no more. There was nothing left.

He pulled out a cigarette, and cupped one gloved hand around it as his match flared. For a moment it revealed the numb, cold look on the mans face, then he shook it out and carefully put in his his shirt pocket.

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