Monday, May 7, 2012

The Ambassador


The First Ambassador of Earth fastened his sash over his shoulder. He gazed out the window as he did so, there was no mirror in his room. It was a clear night, the stars shone overhead. He gazed at them and named each one in his mind, he knew so many of them, for he had traveled many lightyears in his long career. His hair was graying at the temples, the only reason he still lived was due to the relativistic effects of his journeys. Traveling a hardly quantifiable degree less than that of light, one does not age as the Earth-bound do.

Every time he had returned from a mission, usually a successful one, he had found Earth different from what he had remembered. Different technology, different people, different cultures, yes. But also different wars, different problems, different effects of past decisions, his own and others. Some that he had advised had given poor result, some he had advised against had achieved things beyond his imagination.

But no more.

it had taken centuries, many lives of men, but at last he had seen what separated the good decisions from the bad, foolishness from brilliance.

He kissed his sword and fastened it around his waist, the scabbard shone in the moonlight.

The Summit On the Future of The Galaxy was to be held today, and he would see to it he was the keynote speaker. Of the races of the Milky Way, Man is not as a race endowed with any unusual longevity, but this man has seen more years pass than any other sentient being. His eyes had beheld important faces from the ages before any of the others were born. Their knowledge of the old days, of the decisions made, were from text books and minutes of long ago meetings. Not so for him.

Tonight he would tell them of these things. And tonight, he would submit his name for the Election for the Master of the Galaxy.



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