Rain & Glasses By 55555:
I pulled off my glasses for the umpteenth time, wiping them with my
undershirt. It didn't do much beyond rid it of the standing water drops,
but I could see a bit better afterwards. I tried to shield my glasses
with my hand as the rain poured down. Lightning shattered the night and
thunder interrupted the steady drone of the rain drops like an impatient
child. My shoes, such as they are, make squelching sounds in the mud,
my feet are almost numb from cold.
I marched on, my legs were well used to the rhythm and the long hours. I
knew better than to throw away my shoes, or the pack I was wearing, and
I knew from experience. This was not my first long journey.
I should have been better prepared for this weather, but I had not
planned on crossing the Storm Belt, but tidings had come, and they had
driven me too greater speed, greater urgency.
I took off my glasses again, rendering myself virtually blind in the
night. I found a spot on my shirt that was fairly dry, and wiped the
lenses on it. I had to keep an eye out for the markers in the night. I
spotted one, far away and bit to my left, and headed for it.
I must be with the people of the Wastes when their fate fell upon them.
Perhaps with my help the worst of the crises could be averted, the Enemy
vanquished, though I could not hope for light losses in such a
conflict. If time remains when I emerged into the Sunlit Steppes I will,
I must, advise evacuation.
The Creature is coming. It will destroy and slay, it will poison and make barren. I have gotten word from one there, their Seer, but she says that the people of her land will not believe her. They would believe me.
I stumbled over a root of one of the sodden, foul trees of this land. My
foot pained me, but I increased my pace. The urgency of my mission and
my missive demanded the greatest speed at my disposal.
By Evan:
By Kakaru:
By Velox:
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